Give the Gift of Time Well Spent This Holiday Season

Give the Gift of Time Well Spent This Holiday Season
Posted by Mt Hood Vacation Rentals | Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Holiday markets are abound and the end caps at stores are shimmering with paper and ribbons, but a new theme is also appearing in our holiday culture… and this one doesn’t come in a package. Articles about giving the Gift of Time this holiday season are popping up on Facebook and we couldn’t agree more. It’s time to take a small step back from our consumer culture and focus on the true spirit of the holidays – time well spent with family and friends.

Instead of wrapping up plastic toys that will be broken and tech that will only pull us further away from our family and friends, let’s wrap up an experience that we can share together. There may be less to unwrap but the memories you create will serve you for years to come. Here are some solid reasons to ditch the paper and plastic and head to Mt Hood, Oregon for a holiday vacation this year.

What Are We Actually Spending All This Money On?

Did you know that the average consumer expects to spend around $1,000 during the holiday season this year? That’s enough to cover lodging for 3-7 nights in the Villages of Mt Hood in Oregon! What’s more? Best-selling psychological author Oliver James said in an interview with the Telegraph that kids don’t even want or value an “extraordinary proportion” of the gifts they are given. Recent research also shows that fewer toys encourage more creative & imaginative play.

So why do we continue to buy, buy, buy every holiday season? We want our families to know we’re thinking about them and care about them. Instead of spending $1,000 on gifts and trying to fill up the holiday season with entertaining things for the family to do, why not stay in a Mt Hood cabin where entertainment will be right outside your door? Kids will eventually outgrow their holiday presents, but memories from a family vacation will stick with them forever.

Creating Opportunities to Play Together

Psychological author Oliver James goes on to explain that what children really crave is prolonged play experiences with their families… and what adult doesn’t love a good escape from reality? While adults and children both seek different experiences out of vacations there is one common interest – time well spent with each other. It seems like when we’re not wrapping presents we’re wrapped up in work or in our phone. It’s the little moments when we stop wrapping and stop scrolling that matter.

It’s tricking dad to come outside and starting a snowball fight, or getting enough of mom’s time for that second bedtime story. It’s sneaking a cookie before dinner and staying up late playing board games next to the wood burning fireplace. It’s ordering in pizza because you spent longer than expected at the ski hill, or starting cocktail hour just a wee bit early because you spent more time falling than skiing. Whatever your family dynamics, quality time with your loved ones is a truly special gift.

Will You Join Us?

Save yourself some shopping and stressing this year. Put the ribbons and paper down and let your family and friends know you’re opting for a different type of experience this year. Tell them you want to give them a gift that can never be erased… memories! Read more about giving the gift of travel or browse our Mt Hood vacation cabins and plan your holiday experience today.

There are available dates for this year’s holiday season. Do you have your holiday plans firmed up for this year? Reservations are now available for 2022. Booking early will give you lots of choices in vacation homes.

A Gift Certificate for a visit to a Mt Hood Vacation Rental is the ideal holiday gift, letting your loved ones choose their favorite vacation home and ideal dates for Creating Memories That Matter in their lives. Mt Hood Vacation Rentals’ Gift Certificates can be for any dollar amount and can specify your favorite vacation rental or you can let your giftee choose the perfect cabin, chalet or lodge for their vacation. We will prepare a full-color gift certificate that will be emailed to you in PDF format, so you can print it for a card insert or in a gift wrapped box. Call us at 888-424-9168 to get started.

Mt Hood Vacation Rentals

Holidays At Mt Hood

Categories: Holidays at Mt Hood

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